Sunday, May 17, 2009


I finally got a couple of new paintings finished. I have been so busy with end of the year school stuff! I can't wait for summer break~

I really like how the "Sisters" one turned out. The colors are so much fun and the dresses are made from pages of a music book published in 1901.

The other one "Kitty Parade" has 4 cutie kitties! The girl is leading them with her baton. I almost forgot about how much fun it was to twirl batons! Do kids still do that?

I will be listing these on eBay tonight~~The link is at the top of the page....Have a great week!


Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

as always I love your work..and especially the kittys..:)

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

They both make me smile! Love them!

MyBlueHeaven said...

OMG Cris those are so cute! I even gasped out loud.

Pease Porridge said...

Very cute! Love all of the kitties.

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

you asked about my weed burner..oh these are handy..It is a metal candy cane shaped looking thing and those little propane bottles screw in the ends and it has a button that you push and it turns on the is like a can get them in any of the gardening catologs..they save your back from alot of paint to just torch those little suckers...they are awesome...
this will take you to some of them..they are only took me 30 minutes to blow through my neighbors dandilion seed heads..that is all I torched to keep them fromm blowing will not be sorry...I have had mine for about 12 years now...the button doesn't I have one of those bic lighters that are the long ones that I use for my wood stove or lighting candles..and I turn the gas one and light the it will last you forever....

crow productions said...

It's always good to see your work!

Jenny Carter said...

Gosh I love the new paintings. SO cute. Have fun this weekend!

O H I K A said...

Love your work!! Love your self potrait too! I just love cats. I'm happy to have found your blog.

Cat (darklingwoods) said...

oh goodness love the kitties!