Can you tell that I am ready to move on to Autumn? I am so tired of the extra hot, dry summer we have had in the St. Louis area. Last night we had our first rain at my house since May 12! It wasn't enough though. My yard is like a dust bowl, not matter how much I try to keep things watered. These little paintings are on Ebay now! I often wonder how the people who collect my art display these little paintings. Some of you have many, many of my pieces (thank you)! I thought I would share with you how I display my ever changing inventory of art. My husband built a narrow ledge using a couple of strips of wood trim nailed together and attached to the wall. It was very inexpensive and spans the whole wall above the couch! New paintings go up--sold paintings come down. I like my art changing along with the seasons~
Substation Components Diagram
8 months ago
I love the quail..
Normally I hate autumn but I am ready for it this year, it's been such sticky icky weather here lately!!
Love your Halloweeny's, I only just started sketching for Halloween last night, must get a wriggle on ;o)
What lovely paintings! They look so nice arranged together like that. Very clever! :)
I hope you get more rain coming your way...
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