I really like how the "Sisters" one turned out. The colors are so much fun and the dresses are made from pages of a music book published in 1901.
The other one "Kitty Parade" has 4 cutie kitties! The girl is leading them with her baton. I almost forgot about how much fun it was to twirl batons! Do kids still do that?
I will be listing these on eBay tonight~~The link is at the top of the page....Have a great week!
as always I love your work..and especially the kittys..:)
They both make me smile! Love them!
OMG Cris those are so cute! I even gasped out loud.
Very cute! Love all of the kitties.
you asked about my weed burner..oh these are handy..It is a metal candy cane shaped looking thing and those little propane bottles screw in the ends and it has a button that you push and it turns on the fire..it is like a torch..you can get them in any of the gardening catologs..they save your back from alot of paint to just torch those little suckers...they are awesome... http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=weed+burner&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=3403078547&ref=pd_sl_67hsg1ilfv_b
this will take you to some of them..they are wonderful..it only took me 30 minutes to blow through my neighbors dandilion seed heads..that is all I torched to keep them fromm blowing away...you will not be sorry...I have had mine for about 12 years now...the button doesn't work.so I have one of those bic lighters that are the long ones that I use for my wood stove or lighting candles..and I turn the gas one and light the bottom..so it will last you forever....
It's always good to see your work!
Gosh I love the new paintings. SO cute. Have fun this weekend!
Love your work!! Love your self potrait too! I just love cats. I'm happy to have found your blog.
oh goodness love the kitties!
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