I guess I just felt like experimenting this weekend. I used several layers of paint on this painting, along with vintage hymnal pages and charcoal. Before I crackled it I used some rubbing alcohol to kind of wipe off the paint in some areas so that the music papers peek through. I think it all gives the painting a little more depth. I like the aged appearance of all the layers of colors. Then, after crackling and antiquing I covered it in two coats of Modge Podge luster for a thick textured finish. This little angel looks a little sad as she stands near the pearly gates. Maybe it has something to do with her not having a halo. I'm not really sure... I will list this on Ebay this evening.
I just went with my youngest, Jordan, to be fitted for his tuxedo for the prom. I can't believe he is almost 18 already! He also got talked into to modeling in a "prom fashion show" of tuxedos at his school and had to be fitted for that. ha ha I wish I could see him do the show. He would be pretty embarrassed if Mom showed up for the school assembly or whatever--so I guess I will just check if any photos show up on Face Book. lol