Friday, February 12, 2010

New Paintings! Some only ONE PENNY starting bid!!

We had two snow days this week, so I was able to get lots of painting done. It is still snowing and we are suppose get a few more inches on Sunday! I love it as long as I don't have to go anywhere. Although Jordan (my 17 year old son) is suppose to drive to a university an hour or so away for a Jazz Band competition tomorrow, so I hope the roads will be ok.

The first painting is called "Group Hug" and I think it is self explanatory. What could be better than a group hug with two willing kitties? The other three are smaller (4"X6") flat panels and I am INCLUDING small wire easels with them for display. I happened to pick them up on sale, so I decided to include them. You can find them all on EBAY tonight~Oh, and I think I may start the smaller ones at ONE PENNY! Happy Valentines Day!! XO


Pease Porridge said...

These are all so cute!

Micki Wilde said...

Cris this are fantastic, look what a bit of snow does for a girls artwork eh? ;)

Micki x

Tara Sue said...

They are all so cute! I love them!